What Are the 7 Chakras?

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The 7 Chakras is not the name of the latest boy band, but rather the main energy centers in your body through which all energy flows. Meditation, yoga, tai chi and other mental and physical practices are all based on the idea that you can keep energy flowing in the proper direction throughout your body by the manipulation of your 7 chakras. If you can imagine 7 spinning wheels of energy located in your body through your vertical center-line, you have a good idea of the physical location of these important energy channels.

The problem is that sometimes your chakras become unbalanced, energy does not flow properly, and problems arise. Beginning with your head and moving straight down to the base of your spine, the following 7 chakras control your natural energy flow. They dictate the health of your sexuality, relationships, career, self-expression and other important physical and mental states of being.

Crown Chakra

Like it sounds, the crown chakra is located in the top of your head. When it is weak you may feel no connection to a higher power. You may believe that you are insignificant and lonely, stuck in a job or career that is unrewarding. You may also attach yourself unnaturally to possessions or particular relationships, and experience headaches, even migraines, when your crown chakra is unhealthy.

Third Eye Chakra

Have you ever seen a picture of a Cyclops? This mythical creature has one single eye in the middle of his forehead. That is precisely where your third eye chakra is located. As it rests in front of your brain, this energy center deals with your intuitive abilities.

When your 3rd eye chakra has been weakened, you may feel no sense of direction, become indecisive and not very confident in the decisions you are making, and have an unhealthy imagination. It physically offers support to your eyes and ears, the outer layers of brain tissue and your frontal sinuses.

Throat Chakra

If you are having problems expressing yourself, your throat chakra may be blocked. As you might imagine, it is located in the front center of your throat. Do you find yourself incapable of speaking your mind or sticking up for yourself? This could be due to a weakened throat chakra. Supporting your teeth, neck, jaw, mouth and lower sinuses, if you find yourself developing sore throats and disorders of the mouth, throat and guns, you need to clear this energy channel.

Heart Chakra

We often associate a heart-shaped symbol with love and affection. The same is true with your heart chakra, which determines the health of your love life and relationships. This includes your love of self, with this energy center located in the middle of your chest right next to your heart. It offers physical support to the upper part of your torso, your shoulders, hands and arms, lungs and heart.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Ambition and action are controlled by your solar plexus chakra. When you feel powerful, and able to channel your thoughts and desires into successful actions and behaviors, this chakra is healthy. When it is blocked, you may develop problems with your pancreas, gallbladder or liver. In charge of a healthy spleen and stomach, your solar plexus chakra is physically located on your spine.

Sacral Chakra

This energy component is in charge of your sexuality and can be considered your pleasure center. This chakra is found in your hips, and when healthy, you enjoy intimacy, pleasure, the fulfillment of desires and sexual gratification. When weak, your sacral chakra leads you to believe that no one could ever find you attractive or desirable.

Root Chakra

Your career or employment status, the way you think about money and whether you enjoy a sense of belonging or not – these things are all controlled by your root chakra. It is located at the very base of your spinal cord. This is the most common chakra to become weakened. When it does, you feel insecure, unsafe and lacking energy.

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