How To Begin With Tai Chi

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Tai Chi is considered a form of meditative movement with a wide reach in support of mental, emotional, and physical health. The fact that it is low impact makes it incredibly accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.
It is also an exercise that can be incorporated into any fitness regimen, and can only enhance a regular aerobic and strength training workout schedule in support of a well-rounded fitness program that heals mind, body and spirit.

Tai Chi and its parent practice Qigong have both been found to be excellent mind-body exercises, that incorporate physical movement with meditation and breath to help with the flow of movement and its meditative aspect.
Tai Chi is believed to help the body by enhancing the amount and flow of qi energy, which is the life force energy that flows throughout our body along highways or meridians in the skin of the body.

Tai Chi is backed by thousands of years of tradition and modern scientific research to heal, support wellness, and unite mind, body, and spirit.

If you are looking to improve your overall health and wellness or possibly to heal or help the symptoms of an existing condition Tai Chi is definitely a great option.

It is important to learn Tai Chi with visual instruction in order to learn to do it correctly and reap all the great health benefits it provides. As with any exercise program, it is important to check with your doctor before starting Tai Chi.

Where To Find Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi classes can be found at martial arts studios, health clubs, gyms, and smaller studios that offer specific types of classes like Yoga. Many community and senior centers also offer Tai Chi. Sometimes you can even find classes in many parks across the cities of the United States. Another option is to hire a personal instructor.

The American Tai Chi and Qigong Association (ATCQA) at is the body that governs Tai Chi instructors and offers a certification program. The ATCQU also provides a code of ethics. There are various levels of certification from practitioner to instructor, and each comes with its own set of requirements for hours of study and practice, and continuing education to maintain qualifications.


There are various Tai Chi DVDs to learn the practice at home, look for those that are presented by highly trained practitioners.

How Many Sessions

Many practitioners recommend taking at least one class per week and practicing Tai Chi for about 15 – 20 minutes two times per day at home in order to master the forms and achieve lasting results.

What To Wear To Class

Wear clothing that will allow your move freely.

What To Expect In Class

A typical Tai Chi class will last about an hour. It usually starts with a 10-minute warm-up that is designed to prep the body for exercise, center the mind, steady, and focus breathing and awaken your inner qi. The main Tai Chi routine will follow with at least 20 movements, typically 24 and can last anywhere between 35 to 30 minutes. The class will end with a 5 to 10 cool down. Because Tai Chi instructors conduct their classes differently, some may also offer meditation and relaxation exercises.

You should strive to go on a weekly basis and practice daily at home in order to truly master Tai Chi.

Stay well and take care!

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