Tai Chi And Pregnancy – Good For The Unborn Child And Mom-To-Be?

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Pregnant mothers-to-be are always looking for some way to enhance and improve their prenatal, delivery and postnatal conditioning. They often seek to do this through exercise. As recently as the 1960s, women in the Western world were urged to take it easy and avoid physical exertion at all costs. We now know better, with moms and babies both benefiting from healthy exercise during pregnancy.

But what about tai chi? Is it okay for expectant women to perform this ancient Chinese physical form of movement which began as a martial art over 700 years ago? Are there any specific benefits which have been documented that the practice of tai chi can offer the pregnant woman searching for healthy ways to have the perfect pregnancy and best benefit her unborn child? The short answer is yes, so let’s dig a little deeper.

Already popular as a form of healthy exercise for pregnant women in Asia and Europe, tai chi is becoming more popular as an exercise recommendation from obstetricians in the United States. It is an excellent alternative to popular fitness routines like yoga and Pilates, since it is a “no impact” practice. Slow, deliberate movements coupled with breathing techniques make this a gentle, safe form of exercise for pregnant women in all 3 trimesters.

In multiple studies, in both Eastern and Western countries, regular practice of tai chi has been successfully used to keep moms-to-be from gaining too much weight during pregnancy. It also counters the number one complaint of pregnant women – back pain. The slow-moving forms of exercise that tai chi uses to improve circulation and respiration effectively relieve back pain, while also reducing the traditional swelling that typically occurs in pregnant ladies’ feet and hands.

Tai chi has been shown to help control and prevent high blood pressure in pregnant women. Also, remember that tai chi greatly improves balance and flexibility. This means that the very common and very serious problem of falling while pregnant is kept in check.

Tai chi also delivers mental benefits. It delivers natural, replenishable energy. The sense of well-being, peacefulness and control that it offers benefits pregnancy as well. Studies have shown that children born to mothers with positive and healthy neurological and mental states of being tend to have fewer behavioral and mental health problems.

If you are pregnant and have never tried tai chi, there are plenty of instructional DVDs and manuals available online that cater this slow-moving form of exercise to expectant women. Start slow, and consult your obstetrician with any questions you may have about the effectiveness of tai chi as a safe exercise for pregnant women.

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