Tai Chi For Mind Wellness

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Many people refer to Tai Chi as meditation in motion. Tai Chi uniquely balances meditative practices with physical movement to approach health comprehensively.

Regarding mind wellness, Tai Chi seeks to bring peace to the mind and spirit by aligning them with the body. The Chinese believed that all dis-ease occurs due to an imbalance of Ying and Yang, internal and external life forces. By bringing the mind, body, and spirit into harmony, both physical and mental illnesses could be cured.
This is the foundation of ancient Chinese medicine. Studies today also show the physical and mental benefits of Tai Chi from a scientific perspective.

How Tai Chi Improves Mind Wellness

The definition of meditation helps to explain how it affects the mind. Meditation is the process of controlling your consciousness so that thinking ceases, both in words and pictures. This instills a calm within your mind and spirit that lowers blood pressure and removes the effects of stress, mainly because it elicits the relaxation response in the body.

High blood pressure is linked to a number of mental problems, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s disease. It also causes stroke and other conditions that can lead to mental problems. Tai Chi helps keep blood pressure low, which is good for anyone, not just those struggling with high blood pressure.

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Scientific Evidence For The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi

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